Graphic design manual - RW24

Like everything else in the world, Roverway 2024 also have the need for logos, graphic elements, colors and other elements to make a uniform visual profile. This page is a guide on what to do, how to use fonts, logos, colors and other design elements. Please follow this guide to ensure that Roverway 2024 appear in it’s best way possible. 

What are you looking for?

Badge and logo - How to use

There should be a priority to use the badge (main logo). If the colours conflict with the background you may use the single-colour version.

BADGE ( main logo )

This is the prefered design. Use this one.

Text logo - color

Only for use on light blue background, and in addittion to other design elements from the badge.

Text logo - black

For use on light background when badge is not an option.

Text logo - white

For use on dark background when badge is not an option.


In addition to the colours below, we will be using black and white. 

Primary colors

Pantone 7704C
CMYK 97, 34, 21, 0
RGB 0, 131, 173
HEX #0083AD

Backgound for light coloured text

Pantone 629C
CMYK 39, 3, 12, 0
RGB 151, 209, 220

Background color for dark coloured text.

Pantone Rubin Red C
CMYK 16, 96, 62, 4
RGB 199, 43, 79

Used for details.
Only small sections of text

Pantone 303 C
CMYK 96, 72, 52, 57
RGB 0, 42, 58
HEX #002a3a

Text color on light coloured background.

Support colors

Pantone 7489 C
CMYK 62, 7, 85, 0
RGB 112, 175, 78
HEX #70af4e

Pantone 367 C
CMYK 52, 0, 76, 0
RGB 142, 194, 96
HEX #8ec260

Pantone 360 C
CMYK 59, 0 , 81, 0
RGB 121, 187, 86
HEX #79bb56


Main: DIN

Main font used in the design making.
Note: This is a paid font

Secondary: ARIAL

Used in written text documents.

This is a free font
( available in google docs and word )

Support: Caveat Brush

Only used for small section when you would like to add a "Fun" touch.

HELP! I need inspo for our contingent badge!

What to include

You might want to include "Norway" as it will be happening in Norway.

It is also popular to add something representing the country you will be visiting.
I.E. cheese slicer, vikings, the national bird "Fossekallen"...