Staying Safe

As we are going to be out for fewer nights, Santa will be sticking to the major roads through each of the areas that he is visiting, rather than reversing into lots of little side streets. Some people may then choose to leave their homes to come and see him as he passes.

So that everyone can stay as safe as possible, please follow the rules below. If crowds are seen to be gathering then Santa won't be able to stop and it may cause the cancellation of our license for the remaining nights.

  • If you're on one of the major roads that's on our route maps, please stay inside your house or garden and wave to Santa from there. This will keep the pavements free for those who may have to walk from elsewhere to see him.

  • If you are walking to see Santa, even though we are going to be outside, please wear a face covering if you are able to. Remember to keep your 2m distance from other households at all times.

  • To help with the flow of people, please walk on the left hand pavement when walking towards Santa and then when the time comes to go home please cross the road when it is safe to do so before walking home on the left hand pavement as well. We will have signs at each stopping point to remind you of this.

  • If you arrive at a stopping point before the sleigh, please remember to stand at a 2m distance from other households. If Santa sees that a large group is gathering then unfortunately we won't be able to stop the sleigh.

  • Finally when the time comes for Santa to leave and continue with the route, please wave goodbye from where you are rather than following him to the next stop, as that may create more problems with crowding.

While we'll have a couple of collection tins with us, we'll be trying not to take donations at the roadside, and would prefer it if those who wished to donated via our online methods instead.