Grading Policy
Grading Breakdown
Grading Breakdown
Grade weight categories:
Process (Practice) - 20%
*these will include daily assignments done in class/notes or classroom discussions*
Formative - 40%
Summative (Unit Exams) – 40%
*Summatives will be scheduled at least one week in advance- the test date will be added to the calendar in Schoology*
Late Work/ Make up work
Late Work/ Make up work
Students will have a maximum of 5 days (five school days) in order to turn assignments/projects/assessments in late.
Once an assignment is late the maximum grade earned will be a 75%
After the late work deadline (5 days), assignments will no longer be accepted, and the “missing” in the grade book will become a zero.
Formative and Summative grades below a 70% are eligible (and highly recommended) for re-teach and re-take.