
Samsung Job Shadow (Fall 2018)

Anna Huang '20

    • Q: What was the atmosphere like when you went inside the company?
    • A: When I first went inside, I felt like the atmosphere was very tense because Samsung was very strict with security but the host made me feel welcome. After I met with my host engineer, I felt more relaxed and open to asking questions and getting to know them.

Spicewood Elementary School Outreach

Vikram Joshi '21

  • Q: Is this your first elementary school outreach?
  • A: Yes it is.
  • Q: How are you feeling?
  • A: I'm really excited because I love talking with kids.
  • Q: What do you think your biggest challenge will be?
  • A: I think it's challenging because the kids are full of energy like I was that age.

Thinkery Job Shadow (Spring 2019)

Erika Yao '20

  • Q: What did you learn from this job shadow?
  • A: Well, I learned a lot about how the museum puts together exhibits and what kind of career paths or education paths led into the careers that a lot of the higher-ups here took.
  • Q: Why did you choose to job shadow at the Thinkery?
  • A: I thought it would fit into my interest path like STEM, so I just thought it'd be really cool and a good opportunity.

Anaita Merchant '20

  • Q: Why did you choose to job shadow at the Thinkery?
  • A: I chose to job shadow at the Thinkery because I've been here before, like months before, and I thought it was really cool. I really wanted to see some behind-the-scenes stuff on how they make their exhibits
  • Q: What did you learn from this job shadow?
  • A: I learned that it takes a really long time to put something like this together and it takes a lot more time and a lot more skill sets than I initially realized. I realized that there's a lot more different careers in STEM than I originally envisioned.