2023-2024 Officers

As an NJHS officer, you will be a student leader on campus and a visible role model. If you are successful in your application for office, you must maintain high standards of conduct, attendance, and school spirit during your tenure in NJHS. NJHS officers are required to exhibit the highest standards of moral and ethical character while serving as a role model to fellow students. 

As officers you keep the club running. If you are outspoken, organized, attentive to details, have time in your schedule to commit to serving our large NJHS group, and have a desire to put your leadership skills to the test, consider running for an officer position!

If you are elected, you will be expected to attend ALL meetings and actively participate in activities sponsored by NJHS. You will be teaming collaboratively with members of NJHS chapter to serve our community.

Our mission is to support all NJHS students and provide a strong example of scholarship, leadership, service, character, and citizenship. You will also be required to attend and contribute to the New Member Induction Ceremony in the spring. 

Please consider these obligations carefully before running for office.

Election Day

Officer elections will take place at the first meeting on Wednesday, Sept 13 . Only current members of the Walsh Chapter of NJHS are eligible to vote. 

Candidate requirements:

Create a Google Slide presentation (limit one slide) - due Monday, Sept 11 by 4:00 pm.

Slides must include:

1. Your name and a photo of yourself

2. The position you are running for

3. An audio or video (limit 3 minutes) of you explaining why NJHS members should vote for you

4. Open up the SHARE settings and add Krystal_Nguyen@roundrockisd.org as an editor.

5. Email your Google slides to Mrs. Nguyen at Krystal_Nguyen@roundrockisd.org 

before or by Monday, Sept 11.

If you need tech help, please contact Mrs. Nguyen or Ms. Gutierrez.

Duties and Responsibilities


Facilitates meetings and group activities. Promote the NJHS vision. Acts as a liaison between faculty advisers and NJHS members. Begins and ends all meetings and keeps the NJHS club organized and running smoothly. 

Vice President:

Supports the NJHS President and the NJHS vision. Advises and assists the president, presides over meetings in the absence of the president, and shall keep a record of attendance for each monthly meeting. 


Shall keep the minutes of meetings, prepare slides and agendas for meetings, manage calendar activities, and handle communications for the NJHS members including written correspondence. 

Philanthropy Chair:

Shall research to find monthly service opportunities within the community, seek and contact community members on how Walsh Chapter can volunteer its service, and keep an accurate record of service hours accumulated by members. 


Takes photographs of NJHS functions. Share photographs of NJHS functions. Share photos of NJHS events, descriptions of services provided, and gather pictures to create the Chapter’s end-of-the year slideshow, yearbook photo, or news release.