About Me

     The 2023-2024 school year marks the beginning of my 18th year of teaching, 13 years with Round Rock ISD, and the beginning of my seventh (7) here at Pearson Ranch Middle School as a Rattler!  I am a graduate of the University of Maryland with a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities and Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, FL, where I received my Master of Science in Education.  I have previously taught Kindergarten, 2nd, a combination 7th/8th grade, 8th grade, and 6th grade.    

     I have two daughters, and a fur baby named Nibbitz.  My oldest daughter, Kali, 32, married, is a bookkeeper, and has one daughter, Coraline Lydia, who's almost six (6) yrs old.  Katina, my youngest, is 29, a graduate of Texas A&M, has a Bachelor of Science in Sociology with an emphasis in Criminal Justice and Criminology.  Katina's married, with three little girls, Alaina Hazel, three (3) yrs. old, Grace Marie, two (2) yrs. old, and Amelia James, 3 months old. 

     I am looking forward to an exciting and awesome school year with each and every one of you!

Welcome back!

Katina & Kali

Grace Marie

Coraline Lydia

Amelia James

Alaina Hazel

Nibbitz Pepper

UMUC Terrapins

NSU Sharks