Mrs. Chiarella

Tyler Chiarella

512 - 464 - 6907

Mrs. Chiarella's Website

Hi! I'm Mrs. Tyler Chiarella and I am so excited to be your student's 3rd grade teacher this year! This is my fifth year of teaching but my second year at Great Oaks. I am honored to be a Gecko! 

I graduated from the University of Central Florida and moved to Texas shortly after. I live with my husband, Chris, and my two kitties, Peanut and Cashew.


Drinks: Sweet tea, Decaf Coffee with Oat or Almond Milk

Snack Foods: Oreos, Sour Patch Kids, Lays Original Chips, Vegan Chocolate 

Restaurants: Arlos, Rebel Cheese, Jersey Mikes, Chipotle, Salata 

Hobbies: Biking, Swimming, Playing Nintendo Switch or PC games

Stores: Target, Amazon, Kendra Scott

Birthday: November 19