About the Teacher

Name: Kal Robbins

School: Cedar Valley Middle School

Teaching Assignment: Technology Applications

Phone Number: (512) 428-2432

E-Mail Address: kal_robbins@roundrockisd.org

I am going into my 10th year at Cedar Valley Middle School. I have a Bachelors of Science degree with a double major in Computer Information Systems and Business Administration. I also hold my Masters Degree in Educational Administration. I have two beautiful daughters and four absolutely amazing grandchildren (3 granddaughters and 1 grandson).

Growing up, I have wanted to be a teacher since I was in the fifth grade. Education has always been a very important aspect of my growth and development. Although my career started in the business sector, the positions I held were always related within business training and education. When I entered the public school system, I realized my dream and was able to share my acquired knowledge with students. I am able to use my business experience to share the lessons that I have learned along the way to challenge and encourage students to realize their dreams.

I view learning as a journey students take throughout their school careers and throughout life. On this journey, teachers are placed in the position to help guide students to their destination or at least help them on their way. My belief is that education encompasses several parts. I believe that education is not only an academic endeavor, but is also emotional, social, academic, and physical in nature. Education is a living process of reasoning, thinking, and coping emotionally with daily stresses. Without a solid education, it becomes difficult for young people to acquire the skills and ability to provide for themselves and their future families. In addition, I believe a good education enables people to make solid decision that benefit both their own interests and the interests of society as a whole.

Student success is the primary focus of education. My teaching style as a facilitator includes creating a vision for student success. Some of our students feel despair and overwhelmed. Creating the vision that any student can be successful allows me to model an enthusiastic approach to learning. This method of teaching creates enthusiasm for the students and encourages them to become engaged in the learning process. When students begin to see the same vision, their attitude toward learning becomes more positive, their emotional well-being is optimistic, and they are encouraged and engaged in the learning process. Students must feel that they matter and that their views are taken into consideration. It is essential that faculty, parents, and the school community work together to create a positive and collaborative learning environment.

I currently hold teaching certifications in:

  • Business Education (Grades 6-12)

  • Generalist (Grades EC-4)

  • Generalist (Grades 4-8)

  • Technology Applications (Grades EC-12)

  • Technology Education (Grades 6-12)

  • Principal (Grades EC-12)

In conclusion, my goals are to provide students with high quality instruction that meets the individual needs of each student. I want to create an inspiring learning environment where students feel safe and secure. I would like to leave a legacy that others will remember and that I was a sincere individual with a true passion for education; a person who believes that an education is a free gift to student success.