Hi! I hope you've all had a fantastic summer and I am thrilled to be your teacher this year. My name is Jessica Streu and this is my third year teaching science at Hernandez Middle School. I am a two time graduate of Texas Tech University where I earned a Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sports Science and a Master's in Athletic Training. I haven't always been a teacher, but my path has led to me to exciting places both near and far. I am married to a pretty amazing and patient guy who puts up with both my nerdiness and my love of sports. We have three children (ages 8, 5, and 2) who I promise are more challenging than any combination of students I've faced in a classroom. I love learning all I can about culture, music, and food and spending as much time as possible outdoors. I know this year will be a challenge as we start completely virtually, but it is going to be a great year and we will figure it all out together!

My contact information:

  • Mrs. Jessica Streu

  • jessica_streu@roundrockisd.org

  • Classroom phone 512-424-8844

  • Please allow 24 hours for a response, or through Monday if contact is sent over the weekend.