​The mission of the Spicewood Library is to cultivate a community for creativity, critical thinking, literacy, & lifelong learning.Laura Reeb, Librarian

 Directions to renew your books yourself!

Databases & resources

Extras for fun & information

eBooks & Audiobooks Login with ClassLink


Hours: M-F 7:20 - 3:20

Laura Reeb Librarian laura_reeb@roundrockisd.org

            Help us in many ways! 

      * Putting books away      * Checking books in and out      * Seasonal projects      * Helping students with book selection
Library volunteers are considered "essential" and are allowed this year. Please email: laura_reeb@roundrockisd.org if interested. 
See when classes come in and what volunteers have signed up
for website

When you are not with your class

First check to see if we already have it.
Spicewood students have recommendations!

See what books past Spicewood students recommend. 

Over 50 book talks highlighting favorite books!