Once Upon a Goat is our last Armadillo Readers' Choice book!

What do you think makes a family a family

Do you ever find yourself impatient or worried about something? Listen to Ruby Finds a Worry and The Impatient Caterpillar to see how they handle those feelings.

Both are Armadillo Readers' Choice books!

4 :30 min. 
4:15 min.

Stegothesaurus enjoys using all kinds of interesting words. Do his choices make a difference? Can you think of some exciting words to use in your writing? 

This is one of our Armadillo Readers'  Choice books!

What's the difference between a WANT and a NEED? Listen to I Wanna Iguana and decide which category an Iguana falls into. 

8 min.

What are some ways kids can earn money?  Listen to Lemonade in Winter and see if you agree with their marketing strategies. 

10  min. (start at 2:15 if want to skip the intro)

Listen to Last Stop on Market Street and think about how Nana & CJ make connections in their community. 


What would you do if you lived in this town? 

What's the difference between an upstander and a bystander? 

8 min

A modern twist on a classic fairy tale. Can you guess which one?

7 min.

Little Taco Truck is one of our Armadillo Readers' Choice books! As you listen to this story, use the text clues and the picture clues to decide what type of community Little Taco Truck lives in. 

Do you think he lives in a rural, suburban, or urban community? What clues make you think that? 

5 min.

A HUGE thank you to Ms. Bamford, librarian at Canyon Creek, for sharing this lesson! 

Be sure to listen to the book, Good Night India, and check out some of the activities!

Copy of K-2 India/Diwali (JB)

Skulls! is oue of our Armadillo Readers' Choice books


Election Day is nearly here! This is a great time to learn more about how our country works and the importance of voting.

I Voted: Making a Choice Makes a Difference is one of our Armadillo Readers' Choice Books. 

The Book Hog is one of our Armadillo Readers' Choice Books!

Did you know that you have many important roles? What do you think some of those roles are?  Why are they important?

Listen to the book and then click on the play button to watch a short video.