Mr. Cohen, Geometry

(512) 428-7833 Room C 267

About RRISD in August 2020

Round Rock ISD will had been on line the last seven weeks of the past school year, with students returning to school August 20, online only. This is the only option until 9/10/20 when students may attend school f2f (face to face) or continue remotely (subject to change). I will apprise you as our state and nation change policy in response to this elusive global pandemic.

During this time, RRISD is moving from Khan to using Schoology. We have not used any Google Meets codes for synchronous class time since August of 2020, but they were SPHSCohen1, SPHSCohen3, SPHSCohen4, SPHSCohen5, SPHSCohen6, and SPHSCohen8. I am including these in case we revert when Google incorporates breakout rooms and other features in BBB. Class meets using Conferences in my Schoology Courses, which can be found on the left Nav of your students' Geometry Schoology.


My name is David Cohen and I am returning Stony Point Fall 2020 as your Math teacher. I have been married 30 years to the Laurel Mountain Elementary registrar. My older daughter teaches English at Pflugerville High School and my younger daughter teaches at Hutto Elementary School. For fun, I swim and play violin. I taught HMS Algebra so plan to review or learn what you missed last spring. Glad to be part of sTp (Stony Point Tigers)!

2020 - 21

Geometry students:

  • Read, analyze, and solve right triangle and trigonometric functions within contextual situations.

  • Develop area formulas necessary for determining volumes of rotational solids, solids with known cross sections, and area beneath a curve.

  • Explain work clearly so that the reasoning process can be followed throughout the solution.

  • Other tabs in my website: Please tab over Parents and go to Posters and Videos!

Past Pictures Carousel

Rm C-267

Remind: Text to copy later: 81010

1st @1stcohe

3rd @3rdcoh

4th @4thcohe

5th @5thcoh

6th @6thcoh

8th @8thcoh

Google Classroom: 1st only will post

Khan Academy:

Cohen Geometry Syllabus - 2019-20.docx