About Ms. Zelinsky


I am so excited to be your teacher this year! This will be my 5th year at Herrington and I am extremely grateful to be a part of our amazing community of talented and dedicated teachers. I am originally from Connecticut, where I earned both my undergraduate and graduate degrees. I am ESL (English as a Second Language), and SpEd (Special Education K-12) certified.

I love spending time with family and friends, reading, crafting for myself or others, searching flea markets for hidden treasures, and soaking up some sun on the water, all while searching for new ways I can be as creative as possible.

I believe a strong parent-teacher relationship is important and vital to a healthy learning environment at school, and in the home. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at sarah_zelinsky@roundrockisd.org. I’d really love to hear from you!