MRS. Tucker

Class overview

Students are working in small groups in a positive, encouraging, atmosphere with a growth mindset. Students will collaborate and motivate one another.

"The Wilson Reading System® (WRS) is the flagship program of Wilson Language Training® and the foundation of all other Wilson programs. WRS is an intensive Tier 3 program for students in grades 2-12 and adults with word-level deficits who are not making sufficient progress through their current intervention; have been unable to learn with other teaching strategies and require multisensory language instruction; or who require more intensive structured literacy instruction due to a language-based learning disability, such as dyslexia."

About me

Hi. my name is Kristina Tucker. I live in the neighborhood and my kids attend Pond Springs. We are a family of cyclists. We enjoy being outside and participate in races around the Texas area.

What made you decide to be a teacher? I have always wanted to be a teacher. I had an amazing teacher in 3rd grade and she inspired me. I chose Special education because my brother and I both went through the system.

Kristina Tucker


Phone number: 512-464-4238

PSE Office: 512-464-4200