Teacher Info

Ms. Wagener

Phone: 512-704-1591

Tutorials: Wednesdays before school @ 7:45; after school by appointment as needed

Ms. Wagener's Daily Schedule 23-24:

1st period 8:15-9:08 7th grade ELA

2nd period 9:12-10:00 Team Meetings

3rd period 10:04-10:52 8th grade ELA

4th period 10:56-11:52 Conference Period

5th period 11:56-12:52 7th grade Advisory

A lunch 1st semester 11:52-12:22

B lunch 2nd semester 12:22-12:52

6th period 12:56-1:52 7th grade ELA

7th period 1:56-2:43 8th grade ELA

8th period 2:47-3:35 8th grade ELA

About Ms. Wagener: 

Time does fly when you are having fun! I am looking forward to my 22nd year teaching ELA! I have taught at both the high school and middle school levels in RRISD and in the Houston suburbs. This will be my first year teaching at Pearson Ranch, and I am so excited to be a new Rattler.

I am also a proud Longhorn; at the University of Texas I majored in English, and I spent my Saturdays rooting for the Longhorns. This is still one of my favorite activities outside of teaching. Football and baseball are my favorite sports. 

In addition, I am a proud mom to two amazing sons and one fur baby (Lily the lab) who all keep my life full of fun and laughter. Reading and writing are my passions, and I enjoy trying to keep up with all of the amazing new YA titles and authors. Recommend your favorites to me, and I will add them to my TBR list!