About Me

My name is: Ashley Pickens

The college I attended was: Baylor University (undergrad) and Texas A&M (graduate)

My birthday is: July 22

Sibling(s): 1 older brother

My favorite TV show is: The Price is Right or any true crime show

My favorite movie is: Father of the Bride or Iron Man

My favorite board game/video game is: Life/Scattergories and Mario/Donkey Kong on Nintendo Switch

I like spending my time: with my family

My favorite holiday is: (tied..) Halloween and Christmas because I love to decorate!!

I would love to live: somewhere tropical or Alaska

I enjoy vacationing: (as often as possible) in exotic places

Interesting/Random facts about me:

  • I have 2 wonderful children: Jackson & Katie

  • I was married in a castle to my high school sweetheart

  • I'm a McNeil alum

  • I’m a scuba diver

  • I'm obsessed with traveling!