
I cannot thank you enough for supporting our classroom. You, families, play a big part in our learning community in so many ways. Donating to our classroom is one way to make our classroom a more lively learning environment for your child. A little extra love goes a long way--thank you!

  • Amazon Wishlist

  • Post-Its Notes - we use these daily to inquire and develop our critical thinking skills

  • Safe Disinfecting Wipes - with 19 little humans, our room gets pretty messy! We want to learn in a healthy environment safe from germs :)

  • Regular and Fine Point Dry Erase Markers - we have 3 large whiteboards and students have individual whiteboards they use daily to monitor their learning

  • Socks - these make for great whiteboard erasers!

  • Zip Lock Bags - of all sizes--we use these to store Storyworks magazines and for projects

  • Recyclable Materials to add to our MakerSpace! (e.g., cardboard, old electronics/toys, paper clips, pipe cleaners). Imagination works best when the materials are broken down (i.e., a cereal box in to a 1-dimensional surface).

  • Box Tops - to raise money for our school & win a pizza party!

  • Strong Magnets - student work is posted wherever there is space...sometimes that means on a whiteboard

  • Decks of cards, board games, chess sets - if it's fun--we want it! Indoor recess and learning activities can get dull when using the same materials often