About Me

This year is my eleventh year teaching. I have taught third, fourth, fifth and first grades. Through these experiences, I have a good understanding of where the students come from and where they are headed in their educational career. I look forward to a very successful year and with everyone working together the students will achieve success.

We will be covering a lot of information this year so it is important that the students are attentive and ready to work. Students will learn through new technology, hands-on activities, and center-based inquiry learning. Our students will build strong foundations in Reading, Writing, Math, Science, and Social Studies that can be related to real-world situations and used as tools for success. Our classroom will be chilly. Please, please have your child bring a light sweater or jacket each day to stay warm.

I am looking forward to a successful year preparing your child for their elementary school years and beyond. Please email me if you have any concerns or questions at laura_chamness@roundrockisd.org or call me at 512.428.7651.

When not at school, I enjoy being outdoors in the water! This is one of the reasons I moved to Austin, I LOVE all of the creeks, lakes and green spaces there are here. I also show dogs as you can see from above, it has been a hobby/part-time job of about 20 years now. 🐶

I am also a HUGE Trekky (Star Trek fan). 🚀

“The important thing is not so much that every child should be taught, as that every child should be given the wish to learn.” – John Lubbock

Mission Statement

To highly engage learners in a collaborative atmosphere of critical & creative thinking.

Thank you for your support!