Annie Northcutt

SLC Teacher

Birthday: December 11

House: Laude

I'm thrilled to be a part of the Cactus Ranch family. This will be my fourth year teaching. I taught special education in Austin for three years and am excited to continue working in special education. I am from Round Rock and attended Great Oaks, Cedar Valley, and Round Rock High. I graduated from Texas State University in May of 2020. 

Yoli Fernandez-Byrd

SLC Aide

Birthday: August 12

House: Fidelis

This will be my first year at Cactus Ranch Elementary, and I couldn't be more excited! I started at Chandler Oak Elementary as a substitute teacher. During my time as a substitute teacher, I found I really loved SLC. An SLC position opened up, and I grabbed it as quickly as I could. I have 3 daughters that are my life! This year, my oldest will be graduating high school at Stony Point High School. My middle kiddo will be starting middle school at Walsh middle school and my youngest will be in second grade at Chandler Oaks elementary.  Lots of new exciting things are happening with our family this year! I can’t wait to meet all the students and have an awesome school year! 

Tracy Sylvester

SLC Aide

Birthday: June 7

House: Conatus

I was born and raised in Cape Cod, Ma. I have 6 kiddos. 4 of my 6 kids attended Cactus Ranch. This will be my first year teaching at this campus and I’m so excited!! 

Katherine Shanklin

SLC Aide

Birthday: December 20

House: Quantum

This year will be my first at Cactus Ranch and I am so excited to get to know all the staff and students at CRE!

    I have been working in SLC for 3 years at Fern Bluff Elementary and taught Pre-K for many years before that.