Q: What time does school begin?

A: School doors open at 7:15 with breakfast service available until 7:35am. The tardy bell and instruction begin at 7:40am. Students are marked tardy after this time. Attendance is taken at 9am. Students will be marked absent if not present at this time.

Attendance is very important to school performance. Good routines can be established even at this early age. Please help your children get the full benefit of the school day by arriving on time and ready to learn.

Q: What time does the school day end?

A: The school day ends at 2:55pm.

Q: What is the procedure for removing my child from class before dismissal time?

A: If possible, please notify me via email prior to the absence. Arrive at the main office a few minutes early and have your ID ready. It sometimes takes a few minutes to get students to the office, so be prepared for a short wait.

Q: Can I come visit class?

A: Parents are always welcome! We ask that you schedule a time to come in with the teacher and limit your classroom visits to 30 minutes. Volunteers are ALWAYS welcome. Again, please contact your child's teacher for volunteer opportunities.

Q: Can I bring my child lunch or come eat with him/her?

A: Parents are welcome to come for lunch. You will need to sign in at the main office (have your ID ready). After you have signed in, please meet us in the lunch room (this helps minimize disruptions to the school day).

Q: How do I pay for my child's lunch?

A: Sending lunch money with your child every day is ok, but it certainly slows down the lunch line. We encourage parents to set up online payment (check roundrockisd.org for more information). Payments usually take 24-48 hours to post to an account, so planning ahead is helpful. You can also send a check to be deposited into your child's account, just be sure to include your Driver's Licence number on the check.

Q: Do you send homework?

A: The MOST IMPORTANT homework you can do every night is ask your child questions about what they are learning and read stories with them. I will also send family projects periodically. Once your child is reading books, those will come home to re-read as necessary.