Welcome to Mrs. Shafiee Website


Hi Mustangs, I'm so excited to begin my 19th year of teaching as a member of Canyon Vista Middle School. I hope we are going to have a fun and exciting year and overcome challenges together. I'll do my best to help my students to enjoy learning Math and to be successful. 

Go Mustangs:)

Grading Policy:

Students will earn their grades based on the following breakdown:

Late Work/Redo/Retake Guidelines:

You will be provided with an opportunity to retake tests and quizzes if you score below 70.  The maximum score on any retake will be 70. In some cases, corrections will count as a retake to bring the grade up to a 70.

*** I will post and update the grades on TAC every week by Monday morning ***

***Prior to retaking an assessment, a student should attend at least one tutorial session.***

***No extra credit assignments will be assigned.***


Thursday Mornings 7:50 - 8:10

Tuesday Afternoons  3:35 - 4:15

Any other day by Appointment / Advisory Class  (every day except Mondays) 

Class Wishlist:

Here is the Link to our class wishlist.  My students and I greatly appreciate your help and support.  

Email:  elaheh_shafiee@roundrockisd.org

Phone# : (512)464-8181