Grading Policy & Tardy Policy

2023-2024 Grading Guidelines 

Grading Overview

Grades for student coursework will be logical, justifiable, and sufficient in number to assure that the report card grade is an accurate measure of student progress and achievement. Assignments may include daily work or practice, quizzes, tests/exams, or projects.  An overall grade for the nine weeks should reflect academic mastery of concepts and should not include behavior (eg. penmanship, messiness, missing name).  

Grade Calculation

When calculating a marking period average, no single assignment/assessment grade will count more than 30 percent of the total average and no two assignment/assessment grades will count more than 50 percent of the total average regardless of the grade category.  Major projects may comprise more than one assignment

Students will be given a range of 9-18 graded assignments in a  nine-week grading period: the minimum is  2 major grades and 7 daily  grades.

Weighted Grades

Each gradebook must be divided into two categories.  Major grades are weighted at 50% and Daily grades are weighted at 50%.  

Late Work

Student assignments are expected to be turned in on time.  Assignments not submitted by the teacher-determined deadline will be allowed to be turned in late for 1-5 school days after the due date with an automatic deduction of 15 points. Missing work after the 5th day will result in a 0 in Home Access Center (HAC). Students who do not submit work within the five day late window will refer to the Redo Policy.

Redo Policy

Students will have 5 school days after the grade is entered in HAC to retake or redo an examination or assignment for which the student received a failing grade or failed to submit. Teachers will communicate the specific date as needed. If a teacher does not communicate the redo deadline, students will have until 5 days before the end of the grading period to complete their re-do. Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate mastery on assignments originally scored below 70% for a maximum score of 70%.

Make-up Work/Absences

Students will have one day for each day of a missed class to make up missed work.  If a graded assignment is given or due the day you are absent, you will have as many days as you are absent to make up the work. Assignments will be marked missing in HAC to remind you to complete the missed work, but you will not receive a late-work penalty if turned in during the acceptable window of time based on your absence. 


PRMS Tardy Policy 



Late To School

Students arriving late to school will need to check in with the attendance office to receive a pass before reporting to class.

Late To Class

Students arriving late will be considered tardy unless they have a pass from a teacher or administrator. Tardies will accumulate over the semester and then will reset to a zero. 

Tardy 5 - Warning communication with parents, athletics coaches, and fine arts teachers by admin.

Tardies 7-9 - Parent contact and creation of attendance contract.  Administrator issues one lunch detention.

Tardies 10-14 -Parent contact, referral to counselor and RTI committee.  Administrator issues two lunch detentions.

15+ Tardies - Office referral, parent contact, and referral to counselor and RTI committee.  Administrator issues three lunch detentions