Clinic Guidelines

Clinic Guidelines


  • Fever: Students with a temperature of 100˚F or above will be sent home. To prevent the spread of a contagious disease, ill students must be symptom free and fever free without the use of temperature reducing medications for 24 hours before returning to school.​
  • Diarrhea: To prevent the spread of a contagious disease, ill students must be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school.​
  • Vomiting two or more times in 24 hours, unless a physician feels the cause of vomiting is not an infectious disease, writes a note to that affect and the student is in no danger of becoming dehydrated.


Please send updated immunizations to the clinic. District and state policy mandate that students be excluded from school until all vaccines are current.


Do not send medications in with your student. An adult needs to drop off and pick up all medications. A written request to administer medications must be completed by the parent for all medications, prescription and over-the-counter. A Request to Administer Medication form can be found on the forms page.

Cough drops are considered medication. Please do not send cough drops in your student's back pack. They need to be kept in the clinic.


Please report all communicable diseases to the clinic. This information is useful in helping to prevent the spread of illness in the school. Examples include strep throat, chickenpox, pink eye, impetigo, and scarlet fever.


Screenings will be conducted on mandated grades, new students, or requested by school staff. Please see the student handbook for details.