French 1B

lundi 20 septembre- Les étudiants vont écrire un dialogue entre 2 ou 3 personnes. Les étudiants se posent des questions sur 3 membres de leur famille. Minimum de 3 phrases complètes pour chaque élève.

mardi 21 septembre- Les étudiants iront à la bibliothèque pour enregistrer leur dialogue.

mercredi 23 septembre -

You are at the mall and a little boy/girl has gotten lost and is crying. He/she only speaks French. You find them and take them to the security center and decide to wait until their parents show up. Since the child is really scared, you are going to ask them about their family and tell them about yours to keep them calm.

1) Ask questions about his or her family members.

2) Tell the child about several of your family members including: their names and ages; their personality; things they like and don’t like to do and why;

Anything else you’d like to add and can already say in French to make the child feel better.

jeudi 24 septembre - Comment est ta famille? (feuille de travail)

vendredi 25 septembre - Les élèves peuvent jouer au scrabble ou aux cartes en français.

Parents and Guardians,

Thank you so much for your interest in helping your child better their skills in French! I wanted to give you some resources and tips for French 1B.

Since we don't have school every day, I feel it's harder to reinforce learning. Some weeks they only see me twice! That does not easily lend itself to second language acquisition. The first thing as a parent is to please insure your child studies something, anything in French. Watch a favorite with the language or subtitles set to French. If your child likes soccer, have them watch a match in French on youtube. Have your child put the settings of their phone in French. Be creative in sneaking a bit of French into every day. Just 15 minutes can make a big difference!

Here are some notes we have already taken this year

Quizlet - The verb vouloir

What you like

French Speaking Countries project