Grading Policies

According to District Policy (EIA Local), “a classroom teacher shall provide students a reasonable and fair opportunity to retake or redo failing work.” In our elementary schools, the focus is on reteaching to provide the student an opportunity to learn the objective and demonstrate an understanding of the concept. Reteaching will occur and corrections may be made to improve a grade up to a 70%.

Grades below a 70% are considered failing and may be corrected after reteach, within a reasonable amount of time (5 days).

It is the students’ responsibility to correct this in PEN and return it back in for a second scoring, however, teachers will remind students the first semester of the expectations.

We remind the students that they should always do their best the first time and stay focused in order show us what they really understand and are able to do.

All graded work must be completed in school, including corrections, as to assess the students’ true knowledge of the subject.