Kleinsmith Science
Welcome to Ms. Kleinsmith's science site. Here you will find documents, calendars, and resources we use in class or I offer as extra assistance. Please let me know if you have any questions. Happy science-ing!
Supplies: a composition book (preferably college ruled but I'm not too picky), and pens/pencils for writing. Please note: If you're in 1st/5th period: colored pencils. 3rd/6th period: glue sticks or scotch tape. 4th/8th: wet wipes or kleenex. Thank you!
Contact Information
Phone: 512.464.6472 Email: abigail_kleinsmith[at]roundrockisd.org
- Environmental Systems
- Conference
- Chemistry
- Environmental Systems
- Chemistry
- Chemistry
- Conference
- Chemistry
Tutorials (Depend on meetings, obligations, et cetera) **PLEASE ALSO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE NEW FLEX TIME FOR TUTORIALS!
I am usually available every morning and afternoon, from 8:15 to 4:45 or so, roughly. Please check in to see if I am available.
Click here to go to the Science National Honor Society website.