Dance I

Welcome Back Dancers!

Parents/Guardians, please fill out the syllabus acknowledgement form HERE.

Stay up to date with performances and rehearsals on our calendar

Dress Out Policy 

Daily Rehearsal/Assignment grades will be based on effort set forth during class that day. This does include dressing out correctly. Students who do not dress out properly cannot fully and to the best of their ability. Students who choose to sit out without an approved reason or does not give their best effort will see that reflected in their grade. 

Required dance shirt***

Monday - Dance Shirt, leggings/sweatpants/joggers 

Tuesday - Dance Shirt, leggings/sweatpants/joggers

Wednesday - Dance Shirt, leggings/sweatpants/joggers

Thursday - Dance Shirt, black leggings/sweatpants/joggers

Friday - No dressing out 

Shorts, jeans, skirts, and jeggings are NOT allowed. Dancers must wear leggings, yoga pants, joggers, sweatpants, etc. for dance class. Dancers have TWO options for footwear - barefeet or jazz shoes. Jazz shoes can be purchased through the dance department, online (Amazon, Discount Dance, Dancewear Solutions) or locally at Dancer’s Closet (RRISD dancers get a discount!). We will have fun themed days throughout the year, and dance classes can earn “free dress” days by dressing out perfectly!

Hopewell Dance Syllabus 22-23