Fun Facts about Canyon Vista

Fun or "Little Known" facts about Canyon Vista...

So you think you know a lot about Canyon Vista, but did you know these fun facts?? 

"Back in the day" students in a class called Outdoor Sports and Recreation were able to go into the canyon. Sometimes students would build "shelters" with whatever they could find and other times they would fish in a small pond. Each time they fished, someone always seemed to catch a giant snapping turtle that lived in the pond and Coach Rice would invariably have to rescue and throw him back into the water! We are told the large turtle really loved to eat the hotdogs that they used as bait! 

I wonder if he still lives down there...? 

Fun Facts! Fun Facts! Fun Facts! Fun Facts! Fun Facts! Fun Facts! 


Did you know that what is now the home to our award winning, amazing CVMS band once used to be the "MPR" or multi-purpose room?  Teachers used it for holding activities for large groups and we even held school dances down there! 

Once a Mustang, always a Mustang.... 

Did you know these current teachers were also once students here at Canyon Vista?  

Coach Jacki Govea! 

Ms. Jennifer Arcaya - Computer Science and BIM!