P.E. Information

Class Schedule

7:55-8:45 5th Grade

9:15-9:45 Pre-K

9:50-10:40 4th grade

10:45-11:35 3rd grade

12:10-1:00 2nd grade

1:05-1:55 Kinder

2:00-2:50 1st grade

P.e. Expectations

During PE your child will participate in variety of activities to enhance their fitness, wellness, increase their coordination, develop teamwork, cooperation, and sportsmanship skills.

We do lots and lots of skill-based learning, and have a lot of fun doing it! To help everyone be successful please follow these guidelines.

  • Athletic shoes should be worn during class
    • Tennis shoes that enclose the entire foot are needed on physical education days. This will help prevent injuries and keep your child safe.
    • Please avoid flip-flops, slides, and Crocs on PE days.
  • Shorts should be worn under dresses and skirts.
  • Please send a note to us if your child is sick, injured, or needs to be excused from physical education activities.
    • Please state what type of activities your child is able to participate in.
    • If your child will need to be excused for more than one week, please have your child's doctor write a note with instructions.

P.E. Rules & Consequences

Students are expected to follow our school classroom rules:

Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible

While our learning environment may look a little different, we are a classroom with a lot to learn! We strive to provide as much positive reinforcement as possible while playing games and learning. If a student is having difficulty following our rules and/or following our class built social contract these consequences will be applied:

1. Verbal Warning

2. Think Sheet/Eagle Reflection

3. Eagle Chat/Note Sent Home

4. Office Referral