FAQs + Important Information

What are your classroom behavior practices?

Campus-Wide adoption of Capturing Kids’ Hearts.

The Four Questions - 

Used to help students reflect back on their own behavior and to take responsibility when they are not following the social contract. 

1) What are you doing?

2) What are you suppose to be doing?

3) Are you doing it?

4) What are you going to do about it?

Repeat Offender: What is going to happen if you break our Social Contract again?


Water bottles  & Snacks 

Can my student bring a water bottle to class?

Students are welcomed and encouraged to bring a water bottle to class. It needs to be labeled, have a lid that closely completely (screw top or pop top, no straws, no travel mugs), and go home every night. Students are only permitted to drink water in class (no juice, sports drinks, sodas, etc).

When is snack?

Students can eat snack during independent work time in the mornings before specials. We suggest healthy finger foods that the students can eat while continuing to work. Please no snacks that are sugary, sticky, or require utensils. 

Can my child make corrections to assignments?

What school supplies does my child need?

2023-2024 School Supplies

Students are expected to have these supplies at school at all times during the year. 

2- one subject 70 page spiral notebooks (any color)

2- one subject composition book

1 - pocket folder with brads (any color)

5 - paper pocket folders, no brads - yellow, green, orange, red, blue (1 of each color)

48- sharpened No. 2 Pencils

1- 5” school scissors

12- count colored pencils

4- Expo black chisel tip dry erase marker

2- count Elmer glue stick 

4- pads 3x3 sticky notes

6 - blue ink pens

1- boxes tissues

1 pack Wide ruled notebook paper

fabric pencil pouch (no boxes)

*Note: Students will also need a pair of headphones or earbuds that can stay at school throughout the year. 

How do we participate in Science Fair?

Science Fair

Find out all about Deep Wood Science Fair on Mrs. Risinger's Website:


Science Fair Kick Off:

Science Fair Judging Day: dates will be coming soon

Science Fair Project Viewing:  dates will be coming soon

Projects are not required, but are ENCOURAGED!