Pregunta del día- Interpersonal Grade

There are several goals for this exercise;

Give you confidence to talk for 2 minutes.

Have you develop your listening skills

Have you develop self correction skills.

  • Students will answer a question based on one of the six themes.

  • You will have 5- 10 minutes everyday to answer the question.

  • You must write a paragraph in Spanish (5-6 sentences).

  • Then you will be asked to speak in Spanish about the Topic of the Day with your classmates.

  • This will be a major grade each six weeks.

  • They will be graded for quality and depth about the topic and also for quantity.

**If a student is absent he/she is responsible to find out the question of the day and answer it.

Puntos - Interpretative Grade

PUNTOS CARDINALES is a weekly podcast broadcasted by the United Nations. Each PODCAST has international news stories that vary in length. Listen to 3 podcasts about a Hispanic Country and complete the worksheet.

  1. Listen to 3 broadcasts of a Hispanic Country. (no more than 3 minutes long) You might have to listen to it 4-6 times to catch as much info as possible

  2. For each you will fill out this form (you will fill it out with pen and take a pic to turn in.)

  3. On the due date you will pick one and with minimal notes you will present in groups.

  • The 2-4 nine weeks It is very important that you also do research on this topic and how it is similar to an issue in your community, Round Rock, TX. You will be presenting on both US (your community and the Hispanic country you choose.

The oral part of the grade is your presentation

The written part of this grade is the worksheet filled out. This worksheet needs to be filled our on paper. Not on the computer.


2. Select 3 PODCASTS.

3. Write down the Title (Titulo)

Then make predictions (predicciones) just by reading the titles (English is ok).

4. Listen to each news stories. Write down Notes (apuntes) and then a short summary (resumen). In SPANISH

5. Select 4 words or phrases that are specialized, that you were not familiar with or that are being used in a different way than what you have seen it used before then either define it in English

6. Pick 1 news story and give and prepare for the oral presentation. You must speak for a minimum 1-2 minutes (yes in Spanish).

I will give you time in class to complete the presentation task and the due is posted under important dates.

Late Work School Wide Policy

Homework is due at the beginning of class. It will be considered late if not turned in at that time. LATE WORK Late work includes any assignment in any category. Students have one block day past the assigned deadline to turn in for a late grade up to a 70. After this, a student may turn in the work for a maximum of a 50, up until the Wednesday before the progress reporting deadline if it was due within the first three weeks of the six weeks. If the assignment is due in the latter half of the marking period the student may turn in the assignment until the Wednesday before the six-weeks reporting deadline. No late work is eligible for a redo.

Interpretive audio and reading (Multiple Choice)

AP Scales and Rubrics Cedar Ridge

The following grade scale is for Interpretive Reading and Listening. We understand this task is hard at the beginning. It will get much better at the students gain proficiency. For this reason we will be using the following grade scale for some of these assignments.

Percent of questions correct Score in grade book

80-100% of questions correct 100%

67-79% of questions correct 90%

50-66% of questions correct 80%

49% and below 70%

**Lowest grade 70 (if you tried)

For Free Response assignments we have rubrics which students will be able to see in Schoology when an assignment is posted