

Resources for Parents

     Parent Information

What is the Primary years Program (PYP)?

The PYP curriculum framework begins with the premise that students are agents of their own learning and partners in the learning process. It prioritizes people and their relationships to build a strong learning community.

PYP students use their initiative to take responsibility and ownership of their learning.  By learning through inquiry and reflecting on their own learning, PYP students develop knowledge, conceptual understandings, skills and the attributes of the IB Learner profile to make a difference in their own lives, their communities, and beyond.

How can I as a parent be involed?

Strong parent involvement is an important part of daily life at Children’s World Academy. Parents are involved through their membership on committees that are vital to our functioning, such as our school’s Governing Board, and PPO (Parent Participation Organization). Parents are also present as volunteers filling any of a number of essential roles, from helping to run the library, to supervising field trips, to organizing special school-wide events.