Library Policies and Procedures

Library Expectations

1. The library is a common space used by everyone - leave it better than you find it!

2. Food and drink are allowed with permission from the library.

***The library is a GUM FREE ZONE!***

3. Use the voice level that is appropriate for the activity going on in the library at the time.

Checking out library materials

  1. Students may check out up to 3 items on their account at one time.

  2. Most items are checked out for 3-week lending periods, except for graphic novels which are due in a week. Students with overdue books may not check out any more books until their records are clear.

  3. The library issues a free ID and lanyard to students at the beginning of the school year. Replacements are $5, and lanyards are $2. Students are expected to use their IDs for checkout.

  4. Students who are blocked from checking out can access free books from the Little Free Library located outside the building or the shelves located right inside the library entrance on the right.

Library Visits and Technology Use

1. Language Arts teachers regularly bring students to the library for checkout, but any student may visit the library independently during the school day with a pass from a teacher.

2. Before school, the library is used for a variety of purposes, but it is still considered a learning space. Students may check out materials, read silently, work on school tasks, visit library-approved websites, participate in library maker activities, or any other activity approved by the librarian.

3. Priority for laptop usage is given to students who are completing school-related work. If there are spare laptops, students may visit library-approved websites for educational purposes.

4. Printing black and white copies may be done with permission for school-related purposes.