Important Info & Links

Please Sign up for Remind!

Many RMS teachers utilize a service called "Remind" that allows them to send out text message reminders to you and your child. Please ensure that both you and your child sign up when this information is shared with your child. I will also add that information here as it is shared.

Tutorials at RMS

Students can attend ANY teacher's tutorials, even if that is not their teacher.

Home Access - access to view grades for you and your child

It is crucial that both you and your child frequently look at the grade book. It allows you to see your child's grades, completed/missing work, etc. from the comfort of your home. Any questions pertaining to specific grades or assignments should be directed towards the classroom teacher since they can provide a more precise and real-time answer for you.

Google Classroom

More and more teachers are implementing the use of a cloud-based "classroom" known as Google Classroom. In class, students will be instructed on how to sign up for each teacher's class (those that use it). Once signed up using the teacher's provided code, they can access it from the internet anywhere at all! It lists announcements, assigns work with specific directions to follow, has links to necessary information/copies, and also allows them to submit some work electronically to the teacher! Please work with your child at home to become familiar with what is taking place in each of their "classrooms". They will become experts this year!

Snap & Read for reading struggles- available at home and at school!

The district has purchased a program to assist our struggling readers with oral administration of text. Before school released, we set up all special education students who receive oral administration as an accommodation with access to Snap & Read. Now, when they log onto a computer using their student email to access Google features, they will have an icon to the right of their address bar that is an "extension" feature. When they have anything web-based open, they can click on the icon to turn it "on", and a tool bar will appear on the right side of their screen. This tool bar allows them to have text open from the web read aloud to them. There are many other features, such as it can help give definitions or synonyms for some difficult words, and can "level" the text so it is simpler. Your child is probably still very unsure of how to use this tool, but we will spend time fine tuning and teaching more about it. In the meanwhile, you or your child can play with it or use it at home. For more information about what this extension can offer your child click on the link below.

Brain Pop-

Username: RidgeviewMS

Password: panthers