AME Nurse's Office

About Ms. Olivieri...on 01/15/2015 at 1:15 I married my best friend of twelve years and am now Mrs. DenHartog. The children may call me Ms.O or "nurse".

Together we have a blended family of five children and five grand children, (a set of triplets)!

Our family consists of lots of celebrations, trips and planning fun family projects for involvement. We love to cook, listen to music, enjoy and play sports, hike - do any outdoor activity.

I have a dog that I rescued named Cello. I do not know how old Cello is but he was very sick when I found him. Cello has gone to the doctor and takes his medicine once a month. He eats a good diet and exercises. I brush his teeth everyday and he even goes to the DENTIST once a year...... I care about him so much.

Thank you for reading my page, I hope you will share your family stories with me.