About Ms. Sutton

Name: Sage Sutton

School: Canyon Vista Middle School

Email: sage_sutton@roundrockisd.org

I am so excited to meet you and spend this school year together! I am so lucky to have (almost) always lived in Austin, and I graduated from Westlake High School. In 2021, I graduated from Texas State University with a B.A. in English and a certification in secondary education. From there, I taught English as a second language to students in Mallorca, Spain. It was a wonderful experience, but I'm so excited to find a new home at Canyon Vista! There are so many places that life can take you, and I'm so happy to be here in this one.

In my free time, I love reading (of course), swimming, hiking, and most things that involve being outside. I also love spending time with my family and my dog, Willie! I'm sure you will learn so much more about me as the year progresses!

Please reach out if you have ANY questions, I look forward to a spectacular year together!