RUles, procedures, and treaTMENT AGREEMENTS


Treatment Agreements are an opportunity for students and teachers to work together and develop guidelines for a safe, productive, and valuable learning environment. Below are the treatment agreements for 6th Grade Science for this school year.

Student to Student - How we will treat each other

Teacher to Student - How the Teacher will treat students

Student to Teacher - How students will treat the teacher

Student to the Learning Environment - How we will treat the learning environment


In order for science class to cover the material effectively, and to create a valuable learning environment for every student, we have the following basic rules for our science classroom.


 Beginning of Class Procedures (first 10 minutes)

End of Class Procedures (last 5 minutes)

General Procedures

Rough Daily Schedule

First 10 Minutes Beginning of Class/Bellringer Work

5-minutes Review Material from Yesterday and

    Review today's Learning Targets!  

15 minutes New Material/Learning Instruction

5-10 minutes Practice New Material

5 minutes Wrap-Up Assignments/Activities

Last 5 minutes End of Class Procedures