Activities List

You can refer to your tracking sheet [LINK] for the same details. The links below are hyperlinks, so they will navigate you to the correct location if a link is needed for an activity. The top part contains the "must do" activities with the "optional" ones at the bottom.

If you need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact Becky, Robin, Tricia, or Sarah.

Must Do Activities:

Optional Book Study Activities:

[Max total time from optional activities = 6 hours]

5 minutes each

Code = Twitter

Tweet to #RossVisions - something you find meaningful; a question you have; answer someone else's question; a picture of your highlighted book with a caption; etc.

20 minutes each

Code = TEDtalk

IM Website [LINK]

Watch/listen to any of the TED talks in the book. These are found at the end of each chapter in the Notes section after the discussion questions. When you record this on your sheet, please list the name of the talk you watched.

The Innovator's Mindset website has the links to all of George Couros' TEDtalks. Look for the "Innovator's Mindset" tab at the top and use the drop down menu to select the correct chapter. [LINK] (Thanks Alyssa!)

50 minutes each

Code = YouTube

Watch/listen to the YouTube Lives from IMMOOC [LINK]. There are 3 seasons worth to choose from. On your tracking sheet, remember to record the name of the person being interviewed in the "Evidence Link" column.