RESEARCHING Additional Information

Pupils need to research INFORMATION about their career ideas as this is a likely topic for any interviews and they will be expected to understand the facts about any careers that are of interest. E-Clips is a useful programme that can be accessed through – use the login button on the top right hand of the screen and use the school post code SO51 8ZB as the password. The A -Z section gives access to leaflets on career areas.

Pupils can also go back and look at the information on their“Fast Tomato” account which has links to further information. The BBC have now developed a section on Careers showing live interviews about different jobs – well worth investigating on

If pupils are planning to take A-levels “Informed Choices” written by the Russell group of universities is useful and can be accessed on e at This is a guide to choosing A-levels and the importance of specific subjects if planning to go to University or into a particular career.

For those wanting to research the requirements for entry to specific degree course, the UCAS website ( can also give guidance on the final choice of advanced level subjects. Another useful site is ( which compares different universities. The careers section in the school librrary contains up to date copies of HEAP- Degree Course Offers which gives details of the entry requirements for different degree courses and can help with subject choice or give a wider understanding of degree courses available in a subject area.