Year 10 - Planning Ahead - Post-16 OPTIONS and Application Procedures

This year we were not able to deliver our normal range of careers activities that are designed to help you start to plan your journey after Year 11. You would normally have had lots of input on the processes that you will need to understand and guidance on Writing a Personal Statement, How to choose your Post-16 options, Interview Skills, the chance to attend Advanced Level Taster Sessions and talk to representatives from Colleges, Apprenticeship Providers and speakers from different career areas.

The following information is designed to help you - Please read through it carefully and dont hesitate to contact Miss Phillipps if you have further questions.

Post-16 Application Procedures – 2020/21


If you want to apply for a place at college you are advised to prepare to do this as soon as you return

to school in the autumn and finalise any applications before Christmas.

Some application forms are still available on paper by request however, most applications are on-line

so you must have the right information with you when you start to apply.

In September your tutor will be given a list for you to tick should you require prospectuses, information about employment and training or a careers interview. This will be collated and any prospectuses required will be delivered to your Tutor Group as soon as possible. Additional copies of prospectuses will be available in the Careers Room within the School Library but again all college prospectuses are on-line.

You will be given a list of Open Events at local colleges as in normal circumstances you will need to GO AND VISIT colleges that interest you. Again many colleges this year have offered virtual open events and taster experiences.

Applications should be completed fully using capital letters where appropriate as even though most information will be typed onto a screen your accuracy and attention to detail will still be noted.


and some colleges will ask for details such as your next of kin and registered doctor.

As part of your preparation for your plans we will help you to complete a PERSONAL STATEMENT and if not inserted into the application on-line you will be expected to take this with you to interview.

Once completed it is really important that you check details thoroughly before sending to ensure

that your information creates the best possible impression.

Some Colleges will arrange interviews with you directly, but Brockenhurst, Peter Symonds and

Richard Taunton Sixth Form College normally interview at Romsey School.

Interview appointments in school will be advised through your Tutor

- so once announced please check these to ensure you are available.

Make sure you know which colleges have a DEADLINE for applications and be aware that although colleges that do not have an application deadline will accept late applications ........

.......if you leave it until the last minute you might not get onto the course of your choice.


If you want to apply to Peter Symonds your on-line application (with personal statement inserted) must be made before Monday 7th December 2020 if you want to have an interview in school.

Interview dates have already been booked for 14/15/16/17th December 2020 in school so the intervening period is needed to create and distribute internal interview schedules. Applications made after 7th December must be made before their final deadline on 14th December 2020 and these candidates will be interviewed at the college.

To any type of Post-16 interview you will be expected to take your personal records, school print out of predicted/target grades, and any relevant information or project work with you. You are also advised to have fully researched information on the different courses, and career ideas that interest you as they are obvious areas for discussion with anyone seriously wanting a place at college, a job, or training placement.

Don’t forget to apply for taster days offered by some colleges or check websites for virtual experiences.


A request for details about these schemes will be on the Prospectus Tick List that you will be asked to complete.

Interested pupils will be invited to an information session to explain the on-line search process and further support will be available to you through weekly sessions in the autumn and spring terms in school.

You will have to find your own work placement so be prepared to make contact with lots of local employers!

If you have any questions about this information, or need help/advice on completing any applications

Please contact The Careers Leader - Miss Jane Phillipps who is in school Monday to Thursday each week.

You are strongly advised to attend a personal careers interview to discuss your plans with the Miss Phillipps.

Post-16 Options.ppt