Uni connect

A number of our pupils have been invited to take part in an outreach project run by the Southern Universities Network (now called Uni-Connect) as they live in post code areas where level of applications to Higher Education are under-represented.

This project has been in operation for several years and has allowed the school to claim additional funding to be used in careers related activities. Pupils invited to join the project in Year 9 do not have to accept the invitation and may opt out at any future date but it is hoped that some will allow their future choices to be recorded anonymously for the purpose of educational research.

The additional funding has allowed us to run a successful mentoring scheme for the past two years - The SKIPPER Project and eligible pupils in years 9,10 and 11 have been invited to fully funded residential courses at local universities. The project has also included invitations to several specialist careers events and revision workshops for any Year 11 pupils in English and Maths.

Pupils and parents involved in this project have been provided with more detailed information.