FY 23 Capacity Builders
The goal of FY 23 Capacity Builders is to help local education agencies create and implement a plan for evaluating their curriculum by braiding together and engaging with ISBE supports for ROE curriculum leads to use through new or existing Professional Learning Communities.
Reimbursement Process
Submit the PD Plan to Krissy Darm at kdarm@roe35.org and wait for the plan approval.
Collect needs assessment data from identified local education agencies. (The current needs assessment is a Google Form. To use, please make a copy and forward to your area school districts.)
Facilitate a new PLC or support an existing PLC based around information from the needs assessment data and information shared during Capacity Building Sessions
Complete the Expense Reporting file for ROE 35 and start to compile supporting expense documentation (receipts, invoices, copy of check to pay invoice, direct deposit vouchers, copy of timesheet etc.)
Submit the Expense Reporting document with appropriate supporting documentation to Krissy Darm at kdarm@roe35.org with the subject line: Capacity Builders (ROE number/ ISC Name/ District Name)
Please submit reimbursements as soon as possible so ROE 35 and ISBE can work on the reallocation of funds come spring.
ROE/ISC's who facilitate PLCs within their region are eligible for reimbursement funds up to $11,200.
Examples of Appropriate Supporting Documentation
Copies of invoices
Copy of check used to pay invoice
Payroll report that includes and supports the amount paid
Copy of timesheet
Direct Deposit vouchers