About Us

Who We Are

Internet of Thing is easy to say but hard to prove: We are the real IoT builder .

We provide "Real Time Operational Intelligence Software Packages" which enable transforming the traditional industry to a smart industry with "Operational Intelligence" engine.

We show the operational intelligence through our "real-time 3D visualization" engine provides holistic management for past, present and future for problem solving and predictive operational maintenance.

Specialized Container Port Terminal Linking to Warehouse Management, Targeting End to End the logistics Management across Air & Land Logistics and including Self Driving Forklift & Truck Management.

What our value: Operational Intelligence

A. Real-time container, truck & equipment location tracking and status monitoring (RTLS + IoT)
Real-time Data Collection: RTLS (DGPS / INS and RFID) + IoT (PDS) + OCR (or BLE solution in Roadmap)Scheduled Data Collection: Terminal Operational System Historical Data Collection: Database
B. Enable TOS to accelerate automated container handling optimization to improve productivity
Hand off: Analyze Real-Time, Scheduled and Historical Data through our Operational Intelligence engine.Optimization: Update the analyzed information for TOS to accelerate its optimization
C. Operation analysis and rewind for historical record ("Time Machine")
Rewind: Review terminal operation history by 3D visualizationAlert: Predictive operation and maintenance (currently 60 pre-defined operation alert cases developed)
D. Real-Time Port Terminal Visualization (2D / 3D) as a holistic view (Web in any device in the roadmap)
Terminal layout and container handling equipment: block, bay, row, road, gate QC, RMG, RTG, yard truck, Reach Stacker etc.Buildings: office building, M & R shop, gas station.Monitor the position of objects and human in real time by mapping with job schedule and geo-fencing

What benefit for customer

"We enable customer's TOS to accelerate port terminal optimization with operational intelligence which is critical for efficiency and safety to improve productivity ($$$) of the port terminal operation"