Sydney by: Vincent

Who is Sydney?

Sydney is the main character in the game that needs rescuing from the Dungeon Under The Mountain. Our class played through a lot of adventures and ended up in Zoftagill's entrance. We are here because during the rescue, Sydney's dad held off Nilrem during the escape. So they think an elf wizard will help them go into the spirit world to find Sydney's dad. This page talks about Sydney in The Palm Grove.

The Character

The character I am talking about is Sydney. Sydney helps the group find the chicken feathers at the log and at the flower patch. Sydney doesn't pay attention often and she relays on Snowball to pay attention [he doesn't pay attention either] so that she does not need to remember stuff. She helps by being nice to the Neko so the Neko can tell them where the magical chicken feathers are located.

The Plot

The plot is that Sydney's group needs to find the stuff that they need to get out of the palm grove and get to the temple of the one palm. They need to get the Neko to help them so they can get the stuff to get to the temple. They have to get to a long, wooden bridge so they can meet the Neko. The Neko helps them find the things they need to get to The Temple of The One Palm. They already have one chicken feather, so they just need to find two more. The Neko say that the last two chicken feathers are by a log and by a patch of flowers. They find the chicken feathers and enter the Temple Of The One Palm.

The Setting

The setting is a peaceful, palm tree forest that has magical chicken feathers in it with some animals too. Also, the setting is a palm forest with some magic, animals, and a temple.

The Conflict/Problem

The conflict of the story is that they can't go to the Temple Of The One Palm because if they come unprepared, they will go through the poisonous swamp without full MP and SP. If they don't, they will not be able to get past Zoftagill's security. The problem is that Sydney and Snowball were not listening to the Neko.

The Solution

The solution is that they find the Neko on a wooden bridge and the Neko tells them where the magical chicken feathers are so they can come to the poisonous swamp prepared. They also found log and the flower patch to find the feathers. They go to the temple of the one palm prepared and get past security. Now they can get to Zoftagill prepared. The solution to the problem is that Kassandra was listening so Sydney and Snowball didn't have to listen, so they could find the chicken feathers.

The Theme

The theme of The Palm Grove is to work as a team and listen to directions. It is this because is Snowball or Sydney never listened to the directions from the Neko, they would have been lost. The theme also is overcoming obstacles because they need to find two chicken feathers is an entire palm forest to go to Zoftagill prepared. Another theme is to never give up because if they gave up in the palm grove, they would not be able to go to Zoftagill and will not be able to save Dad. Finally, the last theme you can conclude is to be nice because if they never were nice (Or if you were not nice in real life) the person trying to help you (Or them) would not help you (Or them).