Whitney High School Library

"Reading is important, because if you can read, you can learn 

anything about everything and everything about anything."

-Tomie dePaola

Material Checkout

Two library books at a time. 21 day checkout. All books may be renewed.

Students must have no overdue books or fines to attend dances

End of year due dates:

Library books - May 30th

Textbooks -  June 5th

Library Hours

Monday- Friday

8:00am - 4:00pm

Students must have a signed pass from a teacher to use the library during class. 

All students using the library during school hours must sign in and out. 

Daily Loaner Chromebooks

FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE. Limited supply.

Students may check out a daily loaner up to 10 times in the school year.

They must leave a personal device (phone, chromebook) or personal item (ID, keys) as collateral. 

Loaner chromebook must be returned by the end of the school day, at which time the student’s collateral will be returned to them. If not returned, the student’s available check outs will decline by the number of days it is late. 

Looking for a book?

Library Catalog

Check your Library Account


The library is here for you when you need...

1) To study

2) To check out a library book or textbook

3) A quiet place to work or decompress

4) To print

5) Get technology help

We are the only designated quiet place on campus during lunch. 

Please do your part to keep it that way. 


Want to recommend a title for the library? Click here. 

Restrict your child's access to title? Click here.