Code of Conduct Agreement

WEB Code of Conduct 


As a member of SVMS’s WEB program, I promise to:

(Initial each line showing that you have read and agree with each statement.)

1. Show dedication and responsibility

_____ I will attend all WEB team meetings/events and notify my team leader if I can’t

make it.

_____ I will do my part in all WEB related activities.

_____ I will actively find answers to any WEB related questions.

_____ I will regularly keep in contact with my group throughout the year.

2. Show respect

_____ I will deal with people and situations in a way that reflects positively on SVMS

_____ I will set a good example with my behavior- in and out of school.

_____ I will actively curtail bullying, especially against 7th graders.

3. Show enthusiasm

_____ I will display a positive and spirited attitude toward school.

_____ I will help incoming 7th graders see what a great place SVMS is.

Please initial each line; your initial indicates that you have read and understand the expectations of being an SVMS WEB leader.

SVMS WEB has a two-strike system. At first offense, the student is suspended from WEB for 20 weeks. At the end of this suspension, the student may re-apply to WEB. If the student has another offense, he or she is removed from WEB permanently. These strikes accrue for the student’s entire time in WEB.

This policy adheres to SVMS’s Student Code of Conduct as well as WEB’s philosophy that WEB Leaders “be a presence on campus as models of positive behavior.”

Our School’s Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Policy:

Each selected member of SVMS’s WEB understands that the following policy exists. Any inappropriate behavior-including but not exclusively limited to possession of drugs, drug paraphernalia, alcohol, or tobacco; or use of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco-that comes to the WEB Coordinator’s attention will result in an immediate removal from WEB. 

As a SVMS WEB Leader, I understand these policies and the consequences if I choose to violate them. I am aware that failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in dismissal as a WEB Leader.


WEB Leaders, these are our dates for our August Training.  You are required to attend in order to be a WEB Leader.  If you cannot make one of these dates, please let us know.

August 5-6  8:30 A.M. to 12 P.M.  We START at 8:30 A.M, so