Mrs. King's 4th GRADE ALL STARS


I'm super excited to meet all of you and start our fourth grade journey together this August 2023!  Our first day together is Wednesday August 16.  I will open up the classroom at 8:15am and instruction will begin at 8:25am.  If you get to campus before 8:15 please wait at the front of the school or have breakfast in the cafeteria starting at 8am..  

Please look over the supply list below and have your supplies ready in your back pack and pens/pencils in a pencil box or bag.  You will have a cubby space to store some of your supplies in the classroom.  Starting the first day of school please have an independent reading book in your backpack everyday.

Enjoy the last few weeks of summer!   

Copy of copy 2023-2024 Fourth Grade GATE Supply List