Grade 5

5th Grade Art Objectives and Goals

5th grade students will have art for a half of a term (22 days) in this years schedule. In Art class students will explore a variety of media with emphasis on skill building, developing craftsmanship, techniques, enhanced creative thinking, and familiarity and use of accurate art vocabulary. Students are working towards the basic benchmarks of the Massachusetts Visual Art standards.

Objectives: Students will learn about the classroom routines and expectations, introduce themselves, and become more confident in navigating through the google classroom and the physcial art classroom.

Objective: Students will be able to design their own virtual lockers to help me get to know them better and be introduced to digital art. Students will learn some beginning skills to creating digital art including searching for images, copying and pasting, layering, cropping, and removing backgrounds.

Objective: Students will be able to design their own virtual lockers to help me get to know them better and be introduced to digital art. Students will learn some beginning skills to creating digital art including searching for images, copying and pasting, layering, cropping, and removing backgrounds.

Objective: Students continue to discuss ways they can create spaces and times to create by making their own mini sketchbooks using flash cards. Students design their own covers for their flart books and discuss/share ideas for how they could fill them.

Objective: Students will learn about relief sculpture and assemblage while creating their own self-portraits using cardboard and found objects.

Objective: Students create and design a virtual gallery space showcasing at least 3 of the artworks they have done during the class.