If there are problems with this website, please contact Stephanie Failes, Instructional Technology Supervisor, Rockingham County Public Schools.
Click on an option to move to that section of the page.
Images-No Account Needed
List 1
These sites do not require an account. They are copyright-free and do not require that you provide credit to the artist/photographer.
(Students have to add safesearch.pixabay.com in the URL so the image shows up) See detailed directions for RCPS Student.
Google Docs/Slides
Click on Insert-Image-Search the Web
Great for images of flags, sites from countries, and maps.
Note: The Factbook is in the public domain. Accordingly, it may be copied freely without permission of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The official seal of the CIA, however, may NOT be copied without permission as required by the CIA Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C. section 403m). Misuse of the official seal of the CIA could result in civil and criminal penalties.
List 2
These sites do not require an account. They do require attribution (giving credit) but the site provides the citation or creates one for you. MyBib is a good tool to use to cite the images.
Provides citation for you. You must copy it and include it in your final work.
Only use for educational project/purposes. Artist maintains copyright
Creates and attaches the citation to the image when it is downloaded.
Navigate to https://search.creativecommons.org Read what Creative Commons says for each picture to determine what is needed to cite. MyBib is a good tool for citing.
Navigate to https://images.google.com and search for an item
Select Tools menu-Usage Rights-Creative Commons
These images can be used but must be cited. MyBib is a good tool for citing.
Log-in Required
This website contains music from Royalty Free Music. Despite the title, the music is not free. RCPS purchased the license to use these files under certain conditions. These original music files may not be made accessible nor distributed outside of RCPS. This collection can be used by any student or teacher in Rockingham in projects with no limitation on audience (i.e., the end product can be publicly distributed.) By accessing these files you agree to only use them for RCPS-related purposes, and to not distribute the original music files outside of RCPS.
Provides the citation for you. You must copy the citation an include it in your work/project.
There are no known US copyright restrictions in maps available through Map Warper. NYPL is distributing these images under a Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.
The maps in the Map Collections materials were either published prior to 1922, produced by the United States government, or both (see catalogue records that accompany each map for information regarding date of publication and source). The Library of Congress is providing access to these materials for educational and research purposes and is not aware of any U.S. copyright protection (see Title 17 of the United States Code) or any other restrictions in the Map Collection materials.
Bitly link for this site: bit.ly/usethesepics