Osprey Wilds

This fall 7th grade students at Rockford Middle School-Center for Environmental Studies will experience a three-day adventure at Osprey Wilds, an environmental educational facility located in Sandstone, Minnesota. Students attend day and evening classes engaging in interdisciplinary activities. The Osprey Wilds trip provides exploratory learning, STEM and environmental education, and an opportunity to make memories with the entire seventh grade class.

We participate in seven daytime classes and three evening classes each year. Minnesota standards are embedded in the courses provided by Osprey Wilds, Integration of all core subject areas naturally happens during our Osprey Wilds experience.

Please explore this webpage to find out about the classes, preparations made in 6th grade, and experiences from this year's seventh graders.

Sponsor a Student

Follow the link to make a tax deductible donation towards the Molly Malececk Yerger Scholarship Fund.

Funds are used to sponsor Rockford students attending Osprey Wilds.